Join The Raising Beautiful Messes Mom-Tween Community Waitlist For July 15th!

I have created a membership community designed for moms and tweens navigating the challenges of this dynamic stage of life. Get ready to dive deep into the tween journey with personalized coaching, hands-on workshops, and engaging challenges. It’s time to do middle school together.

What Makes This Community Special?

Imagine a space where you and your child learn and grow through middle school. I teach you together, I coach you separately, and I help you across the bridge from childhood to young adulthood. Imagine your tween ready to take on the world when they enter high school. It is time to do middle school differently.

How Might Your Relationship Improve?

Imagine a relationship with your tween rooted in mutual understanding and respect. Through personalized coaching and workshops, you’ll learn how to guide them toward independence while strengthening your bond.

It’s Time to Thrive:

Middle school can be great until it isn’t. Be prepared. Be ready. Together, we can make middle school an opportunity for growth and success.

Invest in What Matters:

We invest so much in the external aspects of our kids’ lives. Isn’t it time to invest in the deep character stuff that truly matters—understanding healthy relationships?

What You Get:

  • Immediate Access to Online Course: Dive into our course content right away.
  • Meet Nik on the “Talking Tour”: A one-on-one session where Nik gets to know every member personally.
  • Bi-Monthly Coaching for Moms: Learn, share, and grow with other moms in these coaching sessions.
  • Bi-Monthly Coaching for Tweens: Empower your tween with sessions designed just for them.
  • Bi-Monthly Live “Mini-Lessons”: Gain insights from the course and from requests made by you.
  • “Just-in-Time Learning”: Nik creates resources tailored to your specific needs and common threads going on in all parent-tween relationships.
  • Monthly Mom/Daughter Workshops: Collaborate with other moms and tweens to enhance your relationship.
  • Monthly Challenges: Engage in monthly challenges that boost your skills and bring you closer together.

Join The Raising Beautiful Messes Mom-Tween Community Waitlist For July 15th!