Building Success in Middle School: 10 Essential Mini-Habits for Students

Building Success in Middle School: 10 Essential Mini-Habits for Students

Most people dread middle school due to the perceived chaotic and misunderstood behavior of preteens or tweens. With this dread, many parents choose to “just get through it the best we can” and miss one of the most important times of human brain development. Setting up good habits means teaching kids self-discipline, which is an…

Navigating the World of Social Media and Phones with Tweens: Why Gabb Wireless Is the Solution

Navigating the World of Social Media and Phones with Tweens: Why Gabb Wireless Is the Solution

Note: This blog contains affiliate links. As a mom of two girls, I cannot stress enough how challenging it is to navigate the world of social media and smartphones with children who are eager to explore the digital world. Social media is a double-edged sword that, on the one hand, allows us to connect with…

The Impact of Screen Time and Screen Addiction in Children: Tips for Parents to Promote Healthy Habits
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The Impact of Screen Time and Screen Addiction in Children: Tips for Parents to Promote Healthy Habits

“Screen addiction” is a disturbing trend that has grown because technology is everywhere. This behavior problem has the potential to take over our lives and hurt both adults and children. Screens give off a dopamine rush, which makes using them feel good, but this can quickly lead to a dangerous level of dependence on digital…

The Lessons Learned from Youth Sports That Stats Do Not Show
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The Lessons Learned from Youth Sports That Stats Do Not Show

When participating in youth sports, young athletes are able to learn many valuable life lessons. For many of these kids, these lessons learned from youth sports will stay with them throughout their entire life. Whether it is learning self-discipline, gaining leadership skills, or understanding self-control, these skills will help them become successful young adults. I…

The BEST Parenting Hack To NOT Raising Entitled Teens
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The BEST Parenting Hack To NOT Raising Entitled Teens

Raising an entitled teen can be the nightmare that leads to out-of-control spending, an entitled attitude, and disrespect for authority. But what if you could prevent it from happening in the first place? Read on for my tips for raising a grateful, humble, and well-mannered teen!” I co-founded a middle school from scratch with another…

How To Help Your Tween and Teen With Self Regulation: 3 Activities To Do Together

How To Help Your Tween and Teen With Self Regulation: 3 Activities To Do Together

One of the most important skills for children to learn is self-regulation. This means being able to control their emotions, behaviors, and thoughts. It’s essential for academic success, social interaction, and overall well-being. Unfortunately, kids do not come wired with this skill from the get-go. In middle school, it can feel like you are starting…

My Teen Is Cutting: What Parents Can Do To Help

My Teen Is Cutting: What Parents Can Do To Help

When a parent discovers that their child is cutting, they are often shocked and panicked. It’s tragically common, but how parents react can affect their adolescent children’s healing. Middle and high school self-harm is hidden, misunderstood, and shameful. Self-harmers usually have challenging emotions and concerns to deal with. They cut themselves to cope with extreme…