31 Ways to Connect with Your Teenage Daughter: Tips for Strengthening Your Relationship

It can be tough being the parent of a teenager. One minute they seem like they’re still your little kid, and the next they’re pushing you away and insisting that they’re an adult. As a parent, it’s important to find ways to connect with your daughter and strengthen your relationship. In this blog post, we will discuss 30 ways to do just that!

  1. Have an ice cream-tasting party while watching a chick flick. Choose several different pints of ice cream, grab some toppings and decide on a movie. Put your feet up and
  2. Bake together, and let her choose what to bake. Be her assistant. Do not micromanage. Let her take the lead.
  3. In the car, take turns playing songs you like and she likes. Have different challenges: The Best Song To Belt Out Loud, The Best Song To Make You Cry, The Best Song To Dance Crazy, The Best Love Song.
  4. Go to an amusement park together. Create traditions with things such as this. My girls and I will go and eat desserts all day long.
  5. Make non-alcoholic drinks together and “cheers” to good things in the week.
  6. Go to a thrift store and dig in together. Come up with a challenge and a budget. You walk along with your eyes closed and when you stop, you have to buy and wear what you stopped on.
  7. Give her a “Yes” day.
  8. Pick hair tutorials out and do them to each other.
  9. Let her choose a craft to do together.
  10. Volunteer together, and let her choose where and how.
  11. Go to an open mic night.
  12. Let her update your wardrobe (within your wardrobe) and give you fashion advice.
  13. Have her teach you a dance.
  14. After a bad day, draw her a bath, light a candle, and tell her that water helps everything.
  15. Learn something new together.
  16. If you find that you “lecture”, tell her you are working on it and ask for her help in lecturing less. (Being transparent will help you connect.) Make a specific point to have a “No Lecture Weekend”
  17. Go away overnight somewhere.
  18. Go to a concert of music she likes.
  19. Scroll through Pinterest together.
  20. Shop online, and put things in a cart, but do not buy them.
  21. Learn a Tik Tok dance together.
  22. Scroll through her Instagram feed with zero judgment and only ask questions or give compliments.
  23. Look at old albums/pics/videos.
  24. Dance Party.
  25. Learn to hula hoop.
  26. Go for a walk.
  27. Go to her room, sit on the bed, and tell her, “I really respect you because…”
  28. Volunteer to do a photo shoot of her and her of you.
  29. IF she has Snapchat, check out the funny filters.
  30. Massage her neck and shoulders if she had a bad day and just listen.
  31. Have a nerf gun fight one night.

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