
The Year of “YES!”

Every year, my daughters get a “YES!” day,  On this day, we say yes to mostly everything within reason.  This is always an exciting day, and believe it or not, everyone is in a good mood that day.  As I celebrated a big birthday this year, I dedicated it as the year of “YES!” for me.  I present to you my list of yeses.

YES To Tweezers Placed Everywhere

Hair seems to grow more rapidly as we age, especially in areas where we do not want it.  I have a handy dandy pair of incredible tweezers in my car. The natural light will expose all of the witchy chin hairs that you did not know you had. I believe I may have set a world record. Why did nobody tell me I had a 3-inch hair on my cheek? I now have a magnifying mirror, and I am not sure if it is a good thing.

YES To All Of My Feelings

Since disassociating is one of my go-to coping mechanisms, I slowly turned on all of my feelings and had to get used to the intensity. I ride the waves when they come and it has shown me that when you experience extreme sadness, you also get to experience extreme joy.  Being numb does not allow me to live my fullest life.

YES To Anger

Being raised as a “good girl,” I was not allowed to be sad or mad. Like many of us, I was told that ladies did not get sad or mad. That makes me mad. I had to sit with a lot of built-up anger. I had to process it while not hurting others. This was very new and scary for me, but now that I have processed it, IT. IS. SO. FREEING. If you are a people pleaser, I give you permission to get angry and own it. You will not regret it.

YES To Try New Things

You might be like me and discover that raising children changes you so much. As your kids grow and become independent, you start having more time. Who are you?  What do you like besides Disney? What do YOU want to do? I remember that at one point in my life, I made an “adventure list.” A friend of mine said, “You always talk about it but never do it.” I have adventured more in the last three years than I could ever imagine. I have said YES to tall mountains, fly fishing, camels, whitewater rafting, skiing again, and the circus.

YES To Now.

It is not “if” something happens that will change your life, it is “when.”  We do not have a crystal ball, but I have stopped living for “when we get there… I will relax.” I am doing now.  I am enjoying the good news and the bad news. I am feeling the highs and the lows. This makes me feel more alive. It makes me savor things. It helps me appreciate the smallest moments as I realize that time is very valuable. I keep an eye out for 5-second transformations and say yes to them, too.

Ahhh…midlife…a time when you take off the mask and become who you have been working on for the last 2 decades. It is the time to reveal the good and the bad.  You no longer have to translate your life. You just say yes. This is the moment where we hold our heads high, own the past and smile at the future. I am ready. Are you? I hope your answer is YES!

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